Seal of Biliteracy
What is the Seal of Biliteracy?
The Seal of Biliteracy is an award that shows a student has achieved proficiency in English and one or more languages by high school graduation. Students who receive the Seal of Biliteracy have a digital seal placed on their official transcript, a seal placed on their high school diploma, and receive cords at high school graduation.
What are the benefits of the Seal of Biliteracy?
The Seal of Biliteracy certifies that a student has attained proficiency in English and another language. It can be used in applications to universities and colleges, careers, resumes. Having a Seal of Biliteracy functions as evidence of biliteracy that can be used throughout one's life.
How are students recognized at graduation?
Seal of Biliteracy recipients receive chords to wear at graduation. They also receive a seal on their digital transcript, as well as a seal on their physical diploma.
Who can receive the Seal of Biliteracy?
All 9-12 grade students who meet the requirements of proficiency in English, intermediate proficiency in another language, and graduation requirements are eligible. Those students must fill out an application, provide appropriate documentation, and submit their application to their school counselor by May 1st of the student's Senior year. The seal will be awarded when the student graduates.
What if I'm in the Dual Immersion Program?
The requirements for the Seal of Biliteracy are the same for all students. However, the Dual Immersion Program has the language proficiency tests embedded in the program and curriculum. Dual Immersion students do not need to turn in an application to receive the Seal of Biliteracy. Please talk to your Dual Immersion teacher for more information.
What is the cost of the language test?
Testing for the language portion of the Seal of Biliteracy is $25 for tests given at the school (not including the AP test).
Some programs, such as Dual Immersion or English Learner Services, provide the test to students in their programs without cost to the student. Check with your student's language teacher or guidance counselor if you have questions about the cost.
How can I show proficiency in English and another language?
This document lists acceptable assessments and the required minimum score that show proficiency.
The AAPPL (speaking, reading, writing, listening) test is administered once a year at Box Elder High and Bear River High for all offered languages. For a language not offered by AAPPL, the student takes the WorldSpeak test (speaking and writing). For languages not available in the AAPPL or WorldSpeak, students take the OPI (speaking) with a written assessment.
If you wish to show literacy in a language not listed on this form, please contact the school district before January of the student's Senior year.